We don’t travel with guide books. They add too much weight, take up precious space and buying a new one for each country we visit would cost too much. Sometimes we read the ones left behind in guesthouses, but mostly we look to the Internet for a few important answers. Before arriving in a new Read Post
3-month Travelversary – Noteworthy Experiences
So far, this RTW trip has been unbelievable. Without jobs, a timeline or any schedule whatsoever, we’re able to move about carefree and at whichever pace we choose. There have been a lot of magical moments, and after reflecting on our trip thus far, we’ve narrowed down our most worthwhile experiences. Here we share our Read Post
3-month Travelversary – By the Numbers
Today, September 6, is our three-month travelversary! We’ve been outside the USA on our 400-day weekend since June 6. For curious mathematical minds, here’s how our trip breaks down: Days traveling: 92 Continents visited: 3 (Europe, Asia, Africa) Countries visited: 8 (Iceland, Finland, Russia, Turkey, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, Morocco) Transportation Number of flights: 7 Buses Read Post
The Curse of the Five Lira
Turkey is a majestic country, with towering mountains slicing through its landscape and crystal clear seawater surrounding most of it. With such beauty, why do most of the articles I begin to write about Turkey end up devolving into petty complaints of the pushiness of its people? This is my fourth pass on a general Read Post
Out of the Sauna And Into the Bath
A single exposed fluorescent bulb hangs 20 feet from the center of a large rectangular atrium. The bulb is not illuminated, as it is four forty-five in the afternoon and the sun’s rays pour in through the open doorway. Several horseflies purposely circle the light; their buzzing waxing and waning in intensity as they loop Read Post