So far, this RTW trip has been unbelievable. Without jobs, a timeline or any schedule whatsoever, we’re able to move about carefree and at whichever pace we choose. There have been a lot of magical moments, and after reflecting on our trip thus far, we’ve narrowed down our most worthwhile experiences. Here we share our Read Post
3-month Travelversary – By the Numbers
Today, September 6, is our three-month travelversary! We’ve been outside the USA on our 400-day weekend since June 6. For curious mathematical minds, here’s how our trip breaks down: Days traveling: 92 Continents visited: 3 (Europe, Asia, Africa) Countries visited: 8 (Iceland, Finland, Russia, Turkey, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, Morocco) Transportation Number of flights: 7 Buses Read Post
Alone in Venice
Visiting Venice — alone — in the winter is decidedly more miserable than being stuck in the middle of a lake without a paddle during a snow flurry. I was there in January 2008, and it rained almost every day of my stay. People don’t flock to Venice to stay indoors, so it certainly wasn’t Read Post
Not Your Everyday Wake-up Call
It was day two in Venice, and I could already tell that pre-booking a weeklong stay was a mistake. My backpacker’s budget was not prepared for an expensive tourist trap, and that was exactly what I fell into. If I wanted to island hop by way of pricey water taxis tomorrow, then today would have Read Post