We don’t travel with guide books. They add too much weight, take up precious space and buying a new one for each country we visit would cost too much. Sometimes we read the ones left behind in guesthouses, but mostly we look to the Internet for a few important answers. Before arriving in a new Read Post
Glimpses of an African Overland
Dawn has yet to extend her rosy fingers over the African continent when the sounds of alarms pierce the quiet air. Like a symphony beginning slowly, there are low groans, the crackle of plastic and rustling of canvas, finally a crescendo of zippers opening in unison. Nomads of the night. The tents are broken down Read Post
Happy 6-Month Travelversary To Us!
Jambo! (That’s hello in Swahili.) Traveling really makes you lose track of time. We had no idea that November ended and December began. Internet wasn’t available on our actual travelversary, which is why this post is coming a few days later. We hope you enjoy reading our stats and superlatives. If you have any ideas Read Post
Video: Best Animal Sightings In Our Time In Africa
Our time in Africa was incredible, especially when it came to animal watching. Here are some of the highlights of our time there. Some of animals you’ll see include giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, oryx, ostrich, rhinoceros, elephant, water buffalo, crocodile, and hippopotamus. The video was culled from several game drives, some we did on our own, Read Post
Video: Rare Wild White Rhino In Etosha National Park, Namibia
Saw this endangered and beautiful White Rhinoceros wandering around Etosha National Park in Namibia. Nothing as majestic as seeing some of these wonderful animals living freely in their natural habitat. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fovmA_c_CEE]