I never finished telling you how much I loved Africa, specifically our overland from South Africa to Tanzania. We traveled 7,697 beautiful kilometers, literally. Every stretch of road was flanked by landscape so breathtaking that I felt like I was missing something whenever I looked away to read. I spent hours staring out the “Impala Read Post
Postcard from Malawi
Hello from far away! Today we find ourselves in Malawi, the eighth African country we’ve visited on our RTW. It’s one of the poorest countries in the world but known as “the warm heart of Africa” because everyone is so nice. We spent much of our drive through Malawi watching the scenery and waving at Read Post
Happy 6-Month Travelversary To Us!
Jambo! (That’s hello in Swahili.) Traveling really makes you lose track of time. We had no idea that November ended and December began. Internet wasn’t available on our actual travelversary, which is why this post is coming a few days later. We hope you enjoy reading our stats and superlatives. If you have any ideas Read Post
Video: Best Animal Sightings In Our Time In Africa
Our time in Africa was incredible, especially when it came to animal watching. Here are some of the highlights of our time there. Some of animals you’ll see include giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, oryx, ostrich, rhinoceros, elephant, water buffalo, crocodile, and hippopotamus. The video was culled from several game drives, some we did on our own, Read Post