Greetings from the Southern Hemisphere, We finally made it down under, though not “Down Under,” yet. What was once autumn is now spring and the weather has been a little on the cooler side. It is nice to be back in a country where English is pretty much spoken by everyone. Not that we weren’t Read Post
Diving With Great White Sharks
Before we left the States, the only thing Mike knew he wanted to splurge on was cage diving with Great Whites. Tara gave a sarcastic and unenthusiastic “Yay.” The thought pretty much scared the shit out of her. But over the course of the last five months, she started to see things differently. After all, Read Post
Video: Time Lapse Of Sunset Over Bantry Bay, South Africa
Video sped up 2590% or something insane like that. After watching this, you’ll want a sundowner. [youtube=]
Video: Cage Diving With Great White Sharks, South Africa
Video shot at Gansbaai, South Africa (A two hour drive from Cape Town) of Great White Sharks, some above water and some underwater. [youtube=]